Notice of Annual General Meeting
Venue: WLTCP Clubrooms, Merriwa Park Date: Saturday 12th October, 2024 Time: 12:45 pm
All members and prospective members are welcome and encouraged to attend. For further details: Contact Secretary Michael Falkenberg (0418 392 906)
Set the annual membership fees Receive the annual report (from the president) Receive the financial statements (from the treasurer) Elect the office bearers (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer) Set the number, and elect, the ordinary committee members.
The quorum for the meeting is 10% of eligible voting members. Please be in attendance if possible, or provide a proxy to vote on your behalf, to avoid an adjournment.
Members who are 15 years and older are eligible to vote. Notification of the AGM is given by this email and publicized in the Wangaratta Chronicle.
Wangaratta Lawn Tennis Club Inc. (A3733) ABN: 41 758 939375 PO Box 642, Wangaratta VIC 3676
President: Barry Sullivan, ph: 0419 373 988 Secretary: Michael Falkenberg, ph: 0418 392 906 Treasurer: Kevin Callahan, ph: 0409 831 175 Membership & Book-a-Court: Frank Harris, ph: 0401 916 667 Clubhouse: 03 5721 2438
Bank NAB, BSB: 083-945, Account No: 51 607 9960
web: https://wanglawntennis.com.au