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Gateway Australia Day Tournament
Round-Robin Guidelines


Round-Robin Instructions

All sets will be sudden death deuce (no-Ad)

Each round-robin group will have a clipboard with
the match cards for all matches in the group (stapled together).

The players in the first match of your group will come to
the tournament office and collect the clipboard and tennis balls.
Place the clipboard next to the net post on your allocated court.

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The other players in your group will go straight to the allocated court
and wait to go on court as soon as the previous match is completed.

Your allocated court will be written on the draw sheet
at the front of the clubhouse (in BLACK texta).

When a match finishes, one of the players not scheduled in the next match must bring the score card back to the office immediately.
(Tear it off and leave the remaining cards on the clipboard.)

The tennis balls will stay on the court until all matches are finished.

The players in the last match of the group will
bring back the score card, the clipboard and the tennis balls.

The winners of a group will be determined by the number of sets won, and then by the number of games if the sets are equal.

Most group winner play-offs will be held at the end of the day,
however, some will be during the day.

Note that most players will be playing two sets one after the other.

Hit-up time must be kept to a minimum as we have
a very tight schedule to get through.

Round-robin groups with 3 players will have 3 cards (3 matches).
Round-robin groups with 4 players will have 6 cards (6 matches).
Round-robin groups with 5 players will have 10 cards (10 matches).

Check the timetable carefully to see if you are the first match in your group.
The second match should start within 30 minutes of the first.

We aimed for groups of 4, however there had to be some groups of 3,
and a few withdrawals made for more.



Wangaratta Lawn Tennis Club Inc. (A3733)
ABN: 41 758 939375
PO Box 642, Wangaratta VIC 3676

President: Barry Sullivan, ph: 0419 373 988
Secretary: Michael Falkenberg, ph: 0418 392 906
Treasurer: Kevin Callahan
Tournament Director: Frank Harris, ph:0401 916 667

Bank NAB, BSB: 083-945, Account No: 51 607 9960
